I use Blogsy, an excellent app for posting from the ipad but my preference is to use the laptop whenever possible. Sometimes I have written posts in Evernote then copied into Blogger. This method means that all formatting needs to be done in Blogger. The beauty of Open Live Writer is all the formatting can be done and previewed before posting.
Why would you use Open Live Writer?
- draft posts can be viewed within the application
- draft posts are saved to one’s own computer
- finished posts can be sent straight to your blog
- the interface is similar to most word processing programs
- no unnecessary behind the scenes code that slows down the display of your posts
- the menu bar has more sophisticated tools than that in Blogger
- image/picture manipulation has its own toolbar with crop, format, exact dimensions and more
- unlike word processors, OLW is designed for blog posting, once set up the process is easy
- it is free and open source
Getting started
Download from Open Live Writer and follow the installation instructions.It is then necessary to log in to your blog account. I was already logged into my Google account and received an error message in the browser but when I returned to the OLW installation screen the next step had appeared.
By downloading the theme your blog uses it ensures that you view the post as it will appear online.
Now you are ready to write and post. Remember to Save regularly as there do not appear to be preferences that can be set to automatic save. Your local saved drafts can be found under File > Open Local Drafts.
To add another service or another blog choose menu option Blog Account > Blog options >Add
Images in this post were dragged on to the editing window. The width of each picture is set to 390px to give a uniform look to the post. This enables much better image control than the small, medium, large options provided in the Blogger interface. When editing and previewing are finished, one can choose to Publish direct or Post to Drafts. Warning: the spell check tool in OLW is not yet working! This post was written, previewed in OLW then posted directly from OLW to Library Currants.
Thanks to Shelley at Twigs of Yore for informing me of this tool.