Saturday, 13 February 2016

Post in haste, repent with no pleasure

Catch the errorsbefore postingWherever and whenever I write, I try to correct for errors before pressing send, enter or post. Sometimes an email slips away with mistakes, a blog post has glaring errors or a message on Facebook fails to make sense. Enter my newest friend Grammarly.

We’ve all seen those mistakes where apostrophes are used when a plural s is sufficient. The lack of commas in writing can lead to some significant misunderstandings. Grammarly checks and highlights these omissions.

imageInstall the Chrome extension and sign in to a free account. Click on the small green G in the toolbar. This will activate the extension which will now be displayed at the bottom of the screen and Grammarly will begins its work. A new window opens with suggested corrections displayed.

No more indecision about what’s correct. Those its and it’s should no longer cause angst. The free version of Grammarly checks the spelling in context, grammar, and punctuation. It also analyzes sentence structure and style. Other advanced features are available through the paid subscription service. I’ve found the free version works for me.

The suggestions provided can be accepted or ignored. The sample below shows where I had omitted an apostrophe. To correct, click on the green highlighted word.

imageGrammarly found four errors in this post before I published. Why not give it a try? It may save an embarrassing moment.

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Everyday symbols for tech savvy seniors

Carmel and Rick, trainers for Tech Savvy Seniors

Launch of Tech Savvy Seniors Program

As more seniors experience their first encounter with tablets and smartphones Telstra and State Library Queensland have partnered to fund the Tech Savvy Seniors program which was launched at Noosaville Library this morning. Several library staff members along with two community members, will be presenting these sessions during 2016.  The sessions will cover email, social media, online banking, computers, cyber safety, phones, tablets and more. Bookings can be made through local participating libraries.

Tech help Tuesday

This afternoon at Tech help Tuesday I reviewed with the group the meaning of a variety of symbols. Thanks to icons8 where there are more than 19,500 free icons, it was simple to put together these explanatory slides. Have I omitted any that would be crucial for a beginner?

This post first appeared on

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