Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Learning highlights in 2010

Learning from colleagues
During the last year I have had the privilege of learning from colleagues from all over the world through the power of Twitter. Closer to home my colleagues continue to provide support and the opportunity to discuss new developments. I’ve been privileged to have a practice teacher working with our library staff for the last 4 weeks and her fresh ideas have caused me to revisit this dormant blog as well as examine some library practices.
Points to revisit and emphasise for the new school year in January
  • Student learning comes first - library tasks facilitate learning
  • Model lessons with the emphasis on developing students’ thinking skills for other staff
  • Prioritise tasks within the library
  • Allocate tasks and meet regularly to review task completion
IPad project
During the last month my school has issued iPads to 198 Year 12 students and about 80 staff. The process of getting there has kept both the IT team and our steering committee very busy. Students have rapidly adopted their new tool into everyday classes. Some very enthusiastic staff have made the most of this opportunity with the boys, and collaborative learning between staff and students has improved.
Planning such an implementation requires much time and infrastructure. My brief outline of the process can be found at iPad: Idea to Implementation
The long summer break will provide time for staff to become as proficient as students in their use of this great new tool. I look forward to continuing to provide ongoing support for both staff and students when and where needed.


  1. I wish I had someone to inspire me, oh yes I do already!! Great to see the blog , it allows to fill in the details between thwe fabulous tweets.

  2. 'Twas you that made me revisit it! Am also using it to gather together all those web2 things I've started and need to centralise....Also on
    Enjoy the hols. C


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