Thursday, 8 June 2017

Picture this

Noosa river at sunset
A view of Noosa river at sunset

Each day in April I posted a picture along with my short recollection for the day over on Earlier Years. Many of those pictures I had sourced throughout the year from my own files and some from Pixabay. I created the daily graphics in Canva, Pixlr, Over, WordSwag or Haiku Deck. Some of these are available as apps on both iOS and Android, some have a web interface and all require minimal skill to output an acceptable graphic.

Now as the cooler weather of winter bids me spend more time indoors, I’ve sorted many digital snaps taken on my daily walks around the local area along with some photos from trips we’ve taken. I’ve  added some generic text that may focus my thoughts on a particular area of family history.

Dead palm frond
Dead palm frond
So far I’ve uploaded 35 of these pictures to Flickr in this album Images for family history blogposts. They are in a variety of sizes and shapes and will load quickly on any page. Some of these may prove useful for my readers, so I’ve made them public and set the date on all of these as June 2017, not the original date these photos were taken. If you have suggestions for further graphics along these lines, please add your ideas in a comment.

For those who will be attending Congress 2018 in Sydney next March be sure to get along to Jill’s session on Beaut Blogs: Ideas for Tarting up your Geneablogs. She will have lots more, ideas galore, for you to explore.


  1. Carmel, I'll be drawing heavily on your knowledge in the Congress presentation. Thanks for this post which I have also shared in the GeneaBloggersTRIBE

    1. I'm sure you'll have plenty of ideas but thanks for sharing. Thought it was about time I came up with another post and now they are on Flickr I can delete all those pictures from my ipad.

  2. This is a great resource Carmel. My question is, did you take the photos first and then find a use for them, or did you go out looking for a way to illustrate a theme e.g. extinct branches - I love that one!

    1. Most of the photos were just ones I had taken in the past, some back as far as 5 years when we digitised our slides. Once I started thinking about it the dead branch was one I spotted while out walking and lately my husband has been working in the garden digging out roots, a rather obvious one. :)

  3. Another question Carmel. :) I want to do a series of posts on people that I know next to nothing about. e.g. a woman who was living with a relative and died in 1854. The inquest and death cert are totally useless even though her partner was alive. So all I have is her name, rough age and death details. No headstone or even exact burial location and no marriage cert. Apart from the common brick wall do you have any other ideas for images? Sort of a "Who was ...?"

    1. Untangling the threads of... an image of mixed cotton reels or coloured wools, Sifting through the life of..... or Finding the footsteps of.... image of grains of sand, Sorting through the leaves..... image of mixed leaves Which one was...?an image of multiples of the same thing e.g. fungi, moss.Take a photo of the back of a headstone and add the name or Where does he/she lie through one of the apps. On the site or app Photofunia in the vintage section there is an image of three old books where one can add fictitious or other details. Hope this helps, you've given me some ideas now!

  4. Thanks for all those ideas Carmel. They are just wonderful. Photofunia also looks fun and the image of three old books is really cool. I'm also mocking up a headstone to try out. What a shame it has started raining here and I have to stay inside and play with these. ;)


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