Tuesday 30 January 2018

Talking of Tarlee - Beach Picnic photos

Remember that seaside picnic, the one in 1918 of course. Here it is - Talking Tarlee - Beach Picnic

Further searching in Trove revealed this wonderful collage of photos from that day.(1) The very faint text underneath the picture reads:

Last week special seaside trains were run from Midland towns to the seaside, carrying a large number of excursionists to Glenelg and the Semaphore, from Hamley Bridge, Stockport, Tarlee, Riverton, Saddleworth. Burra, and Freeling.
The six top pictures show groups of the excursionists at Glenelg, and the seven bottom ones scenes at the Semaphore.   Krischock, photos

Even though the grainy nature of the picture makes it difficult to distinguish individuals it does provide clues about life in 1918 and the day out. On Thursday February 21st the day of the trip the forecast was for cool and cloudy (2), and the temperature in the shade only reached 72.9 degrees Fahrenheit, 22.7 Celsius. (3). It was quite a cool day for a trip to the beach.

  • The women are in long dresses with younger ones in light coloured dresses with dark stockings. 
  • Men are sporting coats and ties and almost everyone has a hat on. 
  • Wooden and canvas deck chairs are scattered across the sand. 
  • In the top right hand corner there is a horse and cart in the background, perhaps supplying refreshments or rides.
  • I can see at least one person reading a book.
  • The jetty on the far left, second photo down looks as if it was a popular spot for promenading and viewing the sights. 
  • In the centre and to the right there is a large tent, perhaps providing some entertainment on the day. 
  • A few lucky children are barefoot and digging in the sand. 
  • A picnic rug is spread out on the ground and I see a gent apparently cutting up some food.
There does not appear to be any rain or strong wind to spoil the day and given the low temperature all would have been comfortable enough in the clothes of the day. Lucky it was not a scorching hot day. I wonder if the gents would then have removed their coats.

1. 1918 'A SUMMER OUTING.', Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954), 2 March, p. 26. , viewed 24 Jan 2018, http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article87548623

2. 1918 'THE WEATHER MAP', The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), 21 February, p. 7. , viewed 24 Jan 2018, http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article5599005

3. 1918 'THE WEATHER MAP', The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), 22 February, p. 10. , viewed 24 Jan 2018, http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article5599374

This post first appeared on https://librarycurrants.blogspot.com

1 comment:

  1. I have included your blog in INTERESTING BLOGS in FRIDAY FOSSICKING at


    Thank you, Chris


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