Sunday, 21 October 2018

Fresh start rename

Time passes and interests change.

When I started blogging here in 2009 I was working as a teacher librarian in a large school library so my focus was on library related matters and assisting students and teachers in their learning endeavours. Library Currants - Small, not always current, but fruity observations judiciously mixed with learning was an appropriate focus for the time.

In retirement my focus has shifted to assisting seniors adapt to technology along with more personal interests in family history and sharing new experiences. So Library Currants has morphed into Carmel's Corner, with a new address to accompany the name change. I was spurred on to this change by a post from Dick Eastman: Get a facelift: why you want your own domain name

A visit to NameCheap, a payment of less than $10, a few tweaks following their excellent instructions for using the domain name with Blogger  and within about 30 minutes the change was made.

Welcome to my refreshed, renamed corner on the web. 

This post first appeared on


  1. Thanks for this information Carmel. I have often wanted to change the name of my blog but haven't done so because I'm not sure how it would impact on being archived by Pandora. I don't want to upset that in any way as at the moment it's the only way I can see my research hopefully being continued or even found by future generations. Not just my own descendants but others of those ancestors I have written about.

    1. The permanent redirect that one adds from the old URL means the blog will be found even if searched for or trawled by that location. The listing in Pandora is Library Currants and will probably remain so, guess I’ll see that next September when it is again archived.. In the meantime I shall add anything I think is worth saving to the Internet Archive see

  2. Looks good Carmel and you have kept all the previous content too.

    1. Really just involves a redirect of the old URL, so is still Blogger but with a new name and URL. Cheers

  3. Congrats Carmel - you are leading the way again. Although I have a URL for my family website I haven't done so for my GeniAus blog. I love your solution that is a redirect - I now need a quiet hour to follow your lead, grab a URL and see if I can follow those Namecheap instructions.


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