Wednesday, 28 October 2020

ANZAncestryTime Cemeteries and Graphics

ANZAncestryTime is a Twitter chat each Tuesday evening see details here.
In week 3 we discussed cemeteries and I proposed a geneameme for bloggers.
So far three bloggers have posted responses.
Please visit these blogs to read the posts
Fran Kitto on TravelGenee
Jill Ball on GeniAus 
and mine is at Earlier Years
If your post is still in the writing or I have missed seeing it, please add to the comments below and I will list it here.
Made in Canva

This week I commented on using graphics in blog posts. If I do not have an appropriate photo to add to a post I use a variety of apps to generate an image.

Canva is a well known tool and has free and paid versions. It is available on the web and on both iOS and Android devices. The free version allows plenty of scope, a wide variety of templates for various platforms as well as the ability to set one's own dimensions. 

Looking back through my designs, all of which the free account retains, I see I have been using Canva at least since January 2014. The tiled graphics for the local group's website were all designed in Canva and I can easily update any design as needed. One's own photos can be uploaded and used in a graphic as above and the downloads are high quality pngs.

Made in Photofunia

PhotoFunia is another place for quick effects. This can be used without the need for an account. If you choose Halloween you will see the cemetery gates, all I needed to do was type in the text then download the resulting picture. Enjoy exploring the Vintage and Books sections. An app is also available for iOS and Android devices.

Made in PhotoMapo on iPad

Made in PhotoMapo then vintage effect applied in Pixlr

Photo Mapo is an iOS app which gives geographic context to your photos with a variety of templates to add explanatory text.

Another favourite I use regularly is WordSwag which is another free app for both iOS and Android. 
Lots of backgrounds and text varieties in WordSwag

Made in WordSnag with one of my photos on iPad

Made in WordSnag with a screen clipping behind text
Have fun trying a new option for your blog images.

This post first appeared on


  1. I’m so pleased to read this really helpful post Carmel. I use Canva but don’t know the apps you mentioned. Will definitely be checking them out. Will share.

  2. Thanks for sharing Carmel. Been squandering to much time on PhotoFunia so I thought I better get back to work and finish orders. I use Pro Canva as a replacement for my Photoshop as it does not work with my mac after the last OS update. Pro has load more photos. Saves time hunting for royalty free ones. I did once use Phonto on the iPad lots as you can save text and add with a tap next time however with not blogging much I have not used it so much lately. Some many apps on my iPad I cannot remember how to use most.
    Thanks for coming to #ANZAncestryTime last Tuesday, Fran

    1. Yes, I have quite a few on my ipad tried a few times then not used again. I remember Phonto but no longer have it. The only other one I forgot to mention is Retype, can save own text in that one too. Cheers.

  3. Thanks for these great photo app tips. Time for me to buckle down and learn a few.

  4. This is a great resource that I keep coming back to for ideas and inspiration. Thanks Carmel. :)

    1. Thanks Jenny, I think I do more playing around than actual writing and research!


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