Saturday, 12 March 2011

Advocacy and Review 2011

What do we do in 2011?

This week I had the opportunity to present a review of library programs and activities to the Education subcomittee of the School Council. This was a great opportunity to reflect on past achievements, current practices and project developments for the library in our particular context. Ours is a library catering for Years 3 -12 with the senior and junior school operating on separate timings.

The changing nature of information services in a school is not always apparent to your Council,  or whatever body oversees your school. I was fortunate to have 45 minutes to expand and explain many of the things from this list. I cannot post the presentation as it contains many photos of our students, but here is an outline of points covered.

  1. What is library ? Familiar scenes - collections, users and activities
  2. What is library? The more recent - digital collections, ereaders, mobile devices, etexts
  3. Changing nature of use by students - collaborative activities
  4. Information tools available for library users - website, databases, curriculum pathfinders and more
  5. Specific tools - staff newsletter, digital video collection
  6. Class uses of library with specific examples, hours and timings
  7. Reading promotion activities - blogs and other tools
  8. Changing nature of content curation, new tools
  9. 2011 projects - LibGuides, Destiny quest, QR codes, development of Junior School resource centre and subsequent review of our space
This was a valuable exercise and the positive feedback from the committee augured well for the future of our library. When did you last present to your governing body?

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