Saturday 14 June 2014

Choice at Chelsea

24 May 2014

The delight of visiting the Chelsea Flower Show  is that there is so much one can choose to focus upon.

The pavilion filled with gorgeous flower themed displays was certainly the choice for me. Outside were hundreds of stalls with every garden gizmo and tool one could imagine. These ranged from upmarket gardening clothes to the latest in watering and composting systems.

The display gardens attracted large crowds and for this short person, it was quite difficult to catch a full view. The sculptures of many kinds were most impressive. The wire horses, the driftwood bear catching a fish and the children reading in a garden all deserve a mention.

This was certainly a once in a lifetime expedition worth the planning. We purchased tickets the day they became available, structured our travel to be in London on the right weekend and we were lucky enough that the rain held off until early afternoon. A surprise and delight was the World War I commemorative concert with a jolly good sing-a-long at lunch time. Many of these songs were ones my mother continually hummed and sang through my childhood. Fond memories.

Below are some favourite photos from the day. If they please you, more can be seen in this Flickr album

One of the amazing driftwood sculptures

The gardener

Flowering Azalea bonsai

Colourful cactus


  1. Oooh, you went to Chelsea!! I am soooo jealous! Thanks for sharing your experience Carmel.

    1. Yes it was one of those once off experiences to be treasured and remembered.


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