Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Explain and remember

E is for Evernote and Explain Everything

A – Z challenge 2016: Apps in April


Ever needed somewhere to store all your stuff? This powerful note-taking tool works across all platforms. Store all your notes, to-do lists, receipts, bills, prescriptions, research, blog ideas and more. My list of apps for this A-Z challenge is just one of hundreds of notes I have stored in Evernote.

Add to Evernote by typing, snapping a picture, scanning a page, clipping a website or part of an article, speaking a note or sending an email.
Add tags to your notes and/or arrange into notebooks. The sophisticated search system within Evernote can retrieve your stored information by searching through titles, words within notes, tags, dates and hand or typewritten text within images.

The free version allows monthly uploads of 60mb with unlimited storage, search, and the ability to annotate images. Paid versions offer additional features. It syncs across all platforms so notes added via phone can be seen on tablet or computer. Endless articles have been written extolling Evernote. Go paperless or, at least, some way towards being paperless by using Evernote. Free for iOS and Android.

  • Evernote guide for iOS
  • Evernote guide for Android
  • 11 tips for getting started with Evernote by Tonia Kendrick
  • Evernote tips from Lisa Louise Cooke

  • *****************************

    Explain Everything

    This app is like an interactive whiteboard.
    Add illustrations, tables, charts, diagrams, videos, text, pictures, webpages and more.
    Import content from a wide variety of sources and annotate on anything including videos.
    Add single slides as in a presentation or work on the infinite canvas which can be zoomed and panned with these actions incorporated into the recording. Once all your content is in place press the red button to record.
    Annotate on the screen as you record a commentary.
    Use the timeline to edit your recording. Save projects locally for further edits or export as a PDF, or MP4 video to Dropbox, Google Drive, YouTube or a range of other sites.
    All the tools needed for editing in Explain Everything are located in a simple visual toolbar.
    The best way to get an idea of the power of this app is to view one of these tutorials.
    So if you have something to explain, or are simply looking for a novel way to present your stories, have a play with Explain Everything.

    Next up - F Feeding from the frenzy


    1. I so need to get that Evernote! Thanks for sharing this....will be useful with the challenge :)
      @KalaRavi16 from

    2. Ohh wow something amazing ,I was not aware of it ☺☺
      Will get it now ..

      @dixita011 from
      Cafenined words

    3. Evernote is an amazing platform no doubt.

    4. Evernote is one I love!

    5. Love Evernote. Hadn't heard of Explain Everything and am quite intrigued. Would like to see it in action.

    6. Here's a quite static one I created for senior students years ago in its early iteration but there are heaps of ideas on YouTube. This one shows storytelling

    7. It seems like everyone is always raving about Evernote, but I don't really understand its appeal.Having a portable database is a really important part of my workflow as a writer. My research hat is always on, but it used to be hard for me to keep my research notes, bookmarks, text and PDF files well-managed. I used Evernote for a while but stopped it. Evernote is great until you decide you want to export your data to another database. That’s when problems arise. Even though Evernote talks a good game about being export-friendly, you’re faced with having all of your rich-text file notes being converted to html.

    8. I agree with Evernote..have been using Evernote since last few days..its too good.
      Will try the other one soon

      E- Power of Expectation


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