Sunday, 24 April 2016

Tune in and type

T is for TuneInRadio, TED talks and TypeDrawing

A-Z Challenge: Apps in April


Listen to your favourite radio stations from around the world. The free app provides streaming radio from over 100 000 stations. Choose by genre and/or locality.
I live in area where radio reception can be poor for nationwide stations. With this app I can keep up to date with the latest news or have background music playing wherever I am. I do not choose to use subscription services for music.

Pair your device with a Bluetooth speaker to get the best use from this app.
Available for iOS and Android

TED talks

Be inspired by remarkable minds from a wide range of fields; education, medicine, technology, business, music and many other fields of endeavour. Listen to their unique ideas presented in less than twenty-minute video presentations.

Build a playlist of your favourites to watch later or choose from the courageous, funny, informative, or beautiful for inspiration. These talks from some of the world’s great thinkers and achievers provide positive  experiences for all.
Free for iOS and Android.


Import a picture, type some text then use your finger to draw the text onto the picture.
Choose from a wide range of fonts, colours and effects and vary spacing, outline and shadow effects. Set the photo to transparent or remove altogether to be left only with text drawing. Easy typography art or use to create watermarks on your pictures.
Available for iOS and Android

coffee cup
Made in TypeDrawing background picture removed
telephone dial
Made in TypeDrawing photo by crgalvin
Next up U - Update and upgrade

This post  first appeared on


  1. I'm especially loving your image creation tools. TypeDrawing is on my playlist today.

    1. My family research suffers from appaddiction!

  2. Hadn't heard of Typdrawing...looks like fun!

    1. Just a something to take up time on your Sunday :)

  3. TypeDrawing sounds like great fun. I can't wait to try it!


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