Saturday, 9 April 2016

Handy Tools

H is for Haiku Deck, Handy tools and Heart Rate

A-Z challenge 2016: Apps in April

Haiku deck

Haiku deck is presentation software that takes care of the images and lets you concentrate on your content. Use minimum text on slides for maximum impact. There are a range of styles and themes that will make your work look professional and integrated. Haiku deck locates Creative Commons images for the background based on your word searches and embeds the source citation for these. Alternatively one’s own images can be added.

Need an effective presentation? This is a go to tool available for iOS and on the web in a modern browser. I often prepare a graphic in Haiku Deck then use a screenshot to embed it elsewhere. Learn more here on YouTube.

Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires


Handy Tool Set

handy tool set
This free app for iOS incorporates a ruler, protractor, compass, magnifier, flashlight and mirror. I find the magnifier useful for reading small text on jars and packets and have used the ruler in a dozen different scenarios. Most phones now come with a flashlight but if you have an older model, this app provides a light.
A similar app for Android is Toolbox, or there is a set of 35 tools in Smart Tools for a small price.


Heart Rate

heart rate
Instant Heart Rate is free for iPhone and Android. Open the app and place the tip of your index finger on the camera lens. View your heart rate, take notes, keep track of changes over time.

Next up - I for Interest

This post first appeared on

1 comment:

  1. I highly doubt if the Heart Rate app is even accurate. I have tried that recently and I'm not impressed. will try the rest two for sure

    H - A Hate Story


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