Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Quick response

Q is for QR codes and Queensland

A-Z challenge – Apps in April

QR codes

Quick Response codes are two-dimensional barcodes made up of a series of dots against a white background. They were originally invented in 1994 for tracking components in the car industry but have become popular in a wide range of situations. They can be used to direct a user to a website, a video, a map location, plain text, a telephone number, an email address and many other varieties of information.


This app turns your mobile device into a QR and barcode reader. It uses the camera to scan the printed codes you find in magazines to access more information about a story on the internet whether that be video, text or music.

Scan the barcode on the back of the book to be directed to a website about the book, or a product barcode to find comparative prices from a range of shopping outlets near you. It is quick and reliable.

i-nigma is available for iOS and Android.
Scan this code with i-nigma or your favourite QR code scanner to find out about another excellent app.



Outback Queensland Traveller’s Guide

This excellent app is a 116 page illustrated magazine providing in-depth detail about all the major towns in outback Queensland - Charleville, Cunnamulla, Quilpie, Roma, Birdsville, Barcaldine, Longreach, Winton, Charters Towers, Cloncurry, Hughenden and Mount Isa, as well as tiny towns with populations as low as 20 people.

It covers town information, festivals, visitor information centres, history and culture, national parks and a services directory along with a wealth of travellers tips. 
This one is worth downloading even if you never make it to outback Queensland. Available for iOS and Android.

This is Queensland


Designed by Tourism Queensland the app suggests places to go and things to see incorporating detailed local maps. 
Using location based services it suggests nearby  venues and attractions. It helps visitors locate the nearest Information Centres and provides tips from local experts.
Available for iOS and Android.

Here’s another QR code leading you to an interesting list of bloggers participating in the A-Z challenge 2016. There are many places on the web where QR codes can be generated. This colourful one was made at QR stuff.

Next up R – Read and remember

1 comment:

  1. I love these online travel apps and usually download appropriate ones to my phone prior to leavin home. Must checkout the Queensland ones should I be tempted to cross the border.


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