Thursday, 14 April 2016

Love a Library

L is for LibraryThing and other Library apps

A-Z challenge 2016: Apps in April


Keep track of all the books you read and all the books you own, your very own catalogue of books. Add to your list by scanning a barcode on a physical book or enter an ISBN or search for the book by author or title.
Organise your books into collections, rate with stars, add a review, add tags, view recommendations from other readers.
I’ve been a member of LibraryThing since 2006 and find it is an excellent way to keep track of my reading and receive recommendations based on books I’ve enjoyed
This app is currently only available for iOS with the promise of an Android app to come. Visit LibraryThing on the web.

Check with your library to find out which apps they have that provide lending services. My excellent local library provides e-lending through these apps.


Browse, borrow, read or listen to a collection of ebooks and audiobooks. Log in with your library member’s card details to access the library’s own collection. Preview titles, borrow instantly or reserve for later if the title is currently loaned to another user.
Search by title, author or genre. Titles can be renewed or returned at any stage and they automatically expire once the borrowing period is exceeded so no library fines are generated.

BorrowBox is available for iOS and Android Check your library to see if they have it.




From your library site, register on the OneClickDigital site. Once you download the app find your library and enter the details registered previously through your library site. Now you will be able to see a tutorial to get you started. The search will launch your library’s digital collection, some libraries may have both ebooks and audiobooks others may have only audiobooks. Preview titles by description, information and length of audio chapters. Listen to a short excerpt from the book before making your decision.

This is a great app for borrowing audiobooks.Available for iOS and Android.


ePlatform by Wheelers

Wheelers is ebooks only. Browse by category or search for a title or author. Wheelers has a strong Australian and New Zealand collection with my library exhibiting 354 books in the AU, NZ, and South Pacific collection. Wheelers also concentrate on children’s titles so is a good option for those with young family members.
Available for iOS and Android.

Your library may have a different collection of apps including OverDrive. Do check out your favourite library site to find out if there are options for e-borrowing.

Next up M – Map a museum


  1. Librarything which I have also used since April 2006 - ten years coming up - is one of my favourite apps. I don't think you are in my interesting libraries list Carmel - what is your user name? I am bibliaugrapher.

    1. You've been in my list since TL days :) crgalvin

  2. Silly me - you were in my interesting libraries list.

  3. Library thing sounds excellent - will have to check it out!

    Modern Gypsy

  4. Thank you for posting about such wonderful apps :)

    L- Love and Lies

  5. Thanks Carmel for more suggestions about a library

  6. Totally excellent post as I was able tell Mr TG about it while the footy was playing on the TV. He is onto the local library site already.

  7. Great news, I still have Overdrive access through SCL site.

  8. Thanks for all your work on this. I have picked up some great tips.

    1. Delighted to have been of some help. Thanks for visiting.


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